10 things you need to know about swine flu
Updated Monday, April 27th 2009, 3:51 PM

Q: What is swine flu, and how do humans catch it?
A: Swine flu is a highly contagious respiratory disease normally found in pigs. People usually become infected through contact with pigs, but this new virus has mutated enough to allow human-to-human transmission.
Q: What are the symptoms?
A: Fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some patients also report experiencing a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Q: How many people have died from swine flu?
A: 149, all in Mexico, 20 confirmed as swine flu and rest suspected.
Q: How many people have been diagnosed with swine flu in the United States? Elsewhere?
A: 28 in New York, eight in California, two in Kansas, two in Texas and one in Ohio.
Elsewhere: One confirmed in Canada; two confirmed in Scotland and seven suspected; at least 10 suspected in New Zealand; one confirmed and 17 suspected in Spain; one suspected in France; one suspected in Israel.
Q: Should I be tested for swine flu?
A: Knowing you have swine flu will not afect the treatment you receive, but testing certain affected people can help health authorities track the spread of the disease. The Health Department recommends testing only when people experience severe symptoms or fall sick in clusters.
Q: I'm feeling fine. Should I be doing anything?
A: Wash your hands more than usual to protect against catching the flu virus. Make a contingency plan in case the outbreak worsens and your child's school closes.
Q: If I feel flu-ish, what should I do?
A: Check with your doctor, who will likely prescribe an anti-viral medicine like Tamiflu or Relenza. (You probably have a regular flu, or just a cold.) Don't go to work or school, just in case. Stay off public transportation and don't sneeze on people.
Q: Is there a vaccine?
A: No. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working to develop one, in case it is needed.
Q: Should I stop eating bacon?
A: No. You cannot get the flu from eating pork products of any kind.
Q: How worried should I be?
A: So far, deaths from swine flu have been reported only in Mexico - and the cases in New York have been very mild. Health officials worry the outbreak will get worse, but the summer is almost here, which will slow flu transmission.


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